Hi, my name is Loveneet Singh
I'm the Full Stack Developer and Solutions Architect.

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About me

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Experienced in web application development with over 10+ years of experience working with a variety of technologies, including ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC, ASP.NET Core, WebAPIs and Angular-based Single Page Apps. Skilled in managing and coordinating projects across technical platforms and business units My primary interest is full stack web development, using languages like TypeScript, Javascript, and JQuery and their associated frameworks to build attractive/functional web applications. I look forward to collaborating with like-minded developers in the future and working to make valuable contributions to the industry.

How I work

I remind myself often to revisit my intentions. I work with reusability and readability in mind. I strive to create code that will endure through time. I want the user, be they developer or customer, to feel their needs were intuited. I approach the task at hand with curiosity and humility. This allows me to take roadblocks in stride, and savor opportunities to learn and absorb information which will help me build better next time.

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LevelUp LMS

Levelup LMS is a simple, powerful, cloud-hosted LMS that assists individuals and teams to learn, practice, and upgrade their skills

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Shapenet Software

Cloud-Based Health Club Management Software and Mobile App solution ensure your members will experience a seamless experience from anywhere. Our mobile app ensures users stay engaged and connected, serving as an additional interaction channel while reinforcing your brand identity. Experience the convenience of progress tracking, class access, and member engagement- all at your fingertips, encouraging a sense of community and dedication to fitness on the go.

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Gander App

the Gander app that helps you save money on your food & grocery shopping whilst substantially reducing food waste.

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